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Continuing Education
What is continuing education?
Continuing education normally refers to both credit and non-credit courses that are taken on a part-time basis and can lead to a certificate, diploma or degree. Continuing education credit courses are usually offered by boards of education, community colleges, universities, career colleges (private), professional associations or unions. The best way to get this information is to contact your local school board.
What types of continuing education are there?
There are three basic types. There is formal education which results in a formal certificate and takes place under a set of school rules and must be completed in a specific period of time. There is also non-formal education, training or professional development which is more flexible and may or may not result in a certificate. Finally, there is informal education, which is the process of gaining knowledge and skills from daily experiences.
What is distance education?
Distance education refers to studying remotely via the internet or correspondence. Many educational institutions offer distance education courses for students as many people, for whatever reason, are not able to study away from home. For example, the Canadian Virtual University offers hundreds of on-line courses including courses for those who need to complete their high school diploma.
How difficult is distance education?
Distance education is not for everyone. It requires motivation and discipline and the ability to juggle daily demands with educational study. It requires the ability to study independently and basic computer skills.
What is Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)?
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition helps adults get credit for learning that they acquired outside of the classroom as a result of the work, volunteer and life experiences. The Provincial and Territorial Departments of Education will provide assistance and direction.